Fantastic Handmade Artisan Jewelry Gifts!

Earth Song Jewelry Handmade Artisan Jewelry Gifts for everyone blog
Published: November 28, 2022, Updated: January 25, 2024

Choosing the right gifts for every occasion is hard, but it doesn’t have to be.

Jewelry is one of the most universal gifts you can give. Almost everyone enjoys getting new jewelry, and when you’re choosing from handmade artisan jewelry there is genuinely something out there for everyone.

Thankfully, to make your job a little easier, I’ve put together some gift collections to help give you some inspiration and make it simple to find the perfect gift for everyone on your list, and every gift giving occasion.

Great Gift Options For The Jewelry Lover In Your Life

Remember that these guides are here for inspiration. If you see something and you know that that handmade bracelet or those artisan earrings are perfect for your loved one, get them! Don’t let gift guides or these collections get in the way of finding the perfect presents for the people close to you.

Handmade Birthstone Jewelry

Birthstone jewelry is a classic birthday present for people of all ages and genders. My Birthstone Jewelry collections give you a wide selection of jewelry in both traditional birthstones and some options that are a little more off the beaten path, but still perfect for each birth month.

Looking for gifts for a new mom, or to celebrate the birth of 2nd, 3rd, 4th, nth, children? Birthstone jewelry in the children’s birth months is a classic option for mothers, and a great way to celebrate them and their children at the same time.

Colorado-Themed Gifts

Live in Colorado or just recently visited? Why not memorialize the state with some of these Colorado-themed jewelry options.

Of course, since I live and work in the Great State of Colorado, I’m constantly impressed and inspired by the natural beauty of this state, from our state mineral, Rhodochrosite, and state gem, Aquamarine, to the beautiful vistas of the Rocky Mountains, or looking out over the state from Pikes Peak. So, all of my jewelry is Colorado jewelry in a way… This collection just takes the Colorado connection to the next level.

Gifts For Your Wedding Anniversary

Wedding Anniversaries are some of the most significant and special events in your life, and it’s important to memorialize them and do something to celebrate when you can.

These gifts are inspired by, but not limited to, the traditional gifts given for different anniversaries. They can be a fantastic way to celebrate each of your anniversaries, from the very first, to your 50th and beyond!

Jewelry For The Holidays!

Every year the Holiday season is a time to celebrate with friends and family, to bring everyone together and celebrate your accomplishments, or just share in the joy of being in one another’s company.

Why not make this holiday season special with holiday-themed gifts?

Thankfully, my holiday gift guides make it easy to find the perfect handmade holiday jewelry for everyone on your list.

Host And Hostess Gifts

Host and Hostess gifts are one of the best ways to show the consummate hosts in your life how much you appreciate the work you do. Hosting gatherings, whether it’s the regular Saturday hangout or a more formal occasion, no matter the guest list, is hard work.

Giving your hosts something to commemorate their hard work not only lets them know that they are seen and appreciated, it’s a great way to help prevent the hosting burnout that can stop some of your favorite traditions.

Not sure what to give? My Host And Hostess Gift Collection is just for you. Just remember that getting something the hosts will like is just as important as giving a gift in the first place.

Presents For Your Wife, Fiancé, Or Girlfriend

Looking for something special for your special someone? No matter what phase of a romantic relationship you’re in, giving something to your wife, fiance, or girlfriend has incredible significance, and should be taken seriously.

Show her your commitment, your joy, your appreciation, your love. Get her a gift she’ll remember.

Great Gifts For Mom, Grandma, Aunts, And Mothers-In-Law!

Speaking of the special women in your life, your mom, grandmother, mother in law, aunts, and more deserve some of that attention too. After all, they helped shape you into the person you are today!

Not sure what kind of gifts are appropriate for these relationships? I have a collection for that!

Special Somethings For Your Sister

The relationship between siblings is always unique, a little different for every set. But, it’s also one of the most important relationships you can have, and maintaining the closeness between siblings should always be appreciated.

After all, not all siblings get along once they grow up.

If you and your sister still have a special relationship, and you want to give her something to commemorate that relationship, I have a sisters collection just for you.

Gift Ideas For Your Husband, Fiancé, Or Boyfriend

Jewelry might be a more traditional gift for women, but that doesn’t mean that the important men in your life should miss out on all the fun!

Gifts for your husband, fiancé, or boyfriend are sure to show the depth of your feelings for each other, and are a great way to give him a reminder of you and your relationship, even when you can’t be together.

Dad, Grandpa, And Father In Law Presents

The men you’re romantically connected to in life aren’t the only ones who deserve a little extra attention and maybe a little bling!

Just like your mother, aunts, or grandmothers deserve something special from you, so do your grandfathers, your father, and your father in law.

Don’t forget to show these special men how important they are. These gifts are a great way to show your affection for the important men in your life, and to make sure they feel appreciated at your next family gatherings.

Better Together Gifts For Couples!

Couple gifts are a great way to celebrate your relationship, to link yourselves to one another, or just to have a little fun with your relationship and enjoy yourselves.

Whether you’re thinking about wearing couple jewelry when you’re out together, or just want to have small mementos of the time you spend together, couple jewelry can be a great way to have a tangible celebration of your relationship and having found one another.

If you’re looking for more couple gifts and jewelry, my handmade couple’s jewelry collection is a great place to start!

Custom Jewelry

After browsing my gift ideas, if you can't find the perfect gift you can always contact me with your ideas and I'll create custom jewelry for you. I don't charge any extra fees for custom designs!