The Best Jewelry to Wear on Your Video Calls

Earth Song Jewelry Woman laptop video meeting what jewelry to wear
Published: October 21, 2022,  Updated: November 16, 2023
By: Cynthia Kay Schmidt

Do you find yourself in a lot of video meetings on Zoom, Webex, Slack, Skype, Whatsapp, Facetime and more? You're not alone!

Video calls are becoming more and more of a standard part of the workweek. With more people working from home, and other offices embracing a hybrid work-from-home and office structure, it doesn’t look like the age of video conference calls is going away any time soon.

Of course, some good things come along with the new trend. More video calls mean more connections across longer distances, more options to communicate important information to business partners, and more educational and conference opportunities that don’t require travel.

Many professionals find it harder to stand out and make an impression when so much business interaction is happening exclusively online.

After all, standing out in meetings and the office is one way to snag mentorship deals, get your name considered for promotion, and show off the specialized skills that can help you move up in a company.

But if you aren’t making an impression in video conferencing these days, it’s harder to get those opportunities.

That means it’s more important than ever to think about your professional wardrobe and how you can present yourself clearly and professionally online, including your choices in handmade artisan jewelry and how it can help you stand out professionally and personally.

There’s good news, though. The right jewelry choices can make a huge difference in video calls and help you project a professional and put-together appearance before you say a word in the meeting.

Here are some of the best jewelry trends for you to wear on video calls when each type is appropriate and how you can stand out while also looking professional.

What Kind Of Jewelry Stands Out On A Video Call?

One of the most significant differences between dressing for a video call and dressing for almost any other occasion is the visibility of your jewelry.

When you’re seeing people in person, you’re a lot more likely to notice the subtle details in their dress and appearance. Even if you don’t consciously notice someone’s stud earrings, they still make an impression on you and help them look more put-together and professional.

But when you’re working over a video call, there’s less visible detail, and people are less likely to notice the small differences. That means you need to wear bolder and more noticeable jewelry if you want to be noticed on a video call.

Now there is a balance you need to strike between having stand-out jewelry and creating an unprofessional impression if your jewelry is more suitable for a night at the club or a day out with friends than the office.

Look for bolder, more prominent, attention-getting jewelry that still matches the rest of your business attire. Avoid fake stones and gems, and stick to jewelry in just one or two colors. You may want to choose natural stone jewelry over faceted gems, partly because the sparkle of well-lit faceted gems can be distracting on a video call.

If you choose faceted gems, especially diamonds, it’s essential to consider how they look on camera. Some glow or gems that attract the light are great, but you don’t want anything with too much sparkle or movement because they can be distracting.

Matched sets are also an excellent touch for video calls. Feel free to wear a little more jewelry than you usually would in the office. That will help it be noticed, as long as you don’t go overboard. Matching earrings and a necklace with a statement ring (if your hands are visible or you talk with your hands) can help you look put together and organized.

Large statement earrings, especially by themselves or worn with a subtle necklace, can help you appear confident and collected.

Avoid less typical jewelry styles, so nothing on the forehead unless you usually wear a bindi or other cultural or religious jewelry. Keep necklaces to a single piece. Even if you have multiple ear piercings, you should only wear one pair of statement earrings. Any other earrings should be more subtle, studs or even plain metals without a gem or stone. Avoid tiaras, jeweled headbands, or especially flashy facial piercings.

Not sure how to take this advice and turn it into action? Don’t worry. In the next section, I’ll get more specific about the kinds of jewelry that work best and give you some examples of styles appropriate for workplace and video conference wear.

What Styles Of Jewelry Should You Be Wearing On Video Calls?

There is a lot of general advice out there for what kinds of jewelry you can or should wear in professional settings. More specific guidance on styles and types of jewelry is usually more helpful, though, at least in my opinion! So, let’s talk specifics. What kinds of necklaces, earrings, and even bracelets should you be looking at?

Statement Necklaces

Statement necklaces are often too big to use faceted gems. Acrylic and other materials are more common, but there is an exception that will still let you use stones, and that will be big enough and attention-getting enough to make an impact on your video calls.

Natural stone jewelry comes in a broader range of shapes and sizes than other stone jewelry and looks more unique than most large lab-created gems.

Natural stone necklaces are also very camera friendly. The colors and size of these necklaces can help them stand out, but they don’t run the same risk of camera glitter and flash as faceted gems.

If you’re looking for a professional natural stone necklace, consider my Black Agate and Silver necklace. Want to go between the two? Consider matching your necklace with earrings in the same stone and design with a Pendulum Set, like my Rhodochrosite Pendulums.

Dangling And Chandelier Earrings

Dangling earrings of all styles are much more visible on video calls, making them an excellent go-to option for critical online meetings.

The trick with this style is that you need an earring that will stand out but won’t look too playful or out of place with work attire. It also shouldn’t make noise while you wear it, especially if you’re using a headset instead of a desk-mounted microphone.

Good options are single-color earrings, earrings with multiples of the same stone, and longer single-strand dangling earrings.

Do you want something a little more creative or young but professional enough for any office? My Onyx Coils earrings have a more creative design, but the black stones are perfect for the office.

Stacking Bracelets And Bangles

Bracelets are usually a controversial kind of jewelry in the office. If you wear them, they should be subtle or something you wear every day so they don’t stand out.

The rules for bracelets are usually pretty simple, stick to one or two, wear them on one arm, and choose materials that don’t make a lot of noise. That means not wearing charm bracelets and that metal bracelets and bangles shouldn’t be worn together if they get too loud.

Good news for bracelet lovers! Most of those rules don’t apply to video calls. Bracelets are far enough from your mic; they shouldn’t make much noise that other people on your video call can hear. Flashier bracelets can help you look more put together because they stand out more - especially if you coordinate them with your outfit.

Plus, bracelets can even help draw attention to you if you’re the kind of person who talks with your hands a lot.

So don’t be afraid to add a few more bracelets to your attire, whether they’re a functional tool like my Aroma Therapy bracelets or metal bangles for a flashier look.