Most Popular Handmade Necklace Designs

Earth Song Jewelry most popular handmade necklace styles Designs
Published: November 04, 2022,  Updated: October 19, 2023
By: Cynthia Kay Schmidt

Necklaces are one of the best ways to take an outfit and elevate it into something truly special. That holds true whether you’re wanting to dress up a casual outfit or want to stand out at a formal occasion.

Your choice of necklace not only helps you look more formal and serious, it can also help you stand out and express yourself.

Of course, handmade necklace designs offer something a little more unique-making them the perfect accessories for anyone who wants to do a little more than just show off a good sense of fashion!

The design of your necklace is usually more important than the actual neckline and silhouette it creates, but I’ll talk about necklace necklines and how to match your necklace to your outfit in other posts.

For now, let’s talk about some of the most fashionable handmade necklace designs available right now.

The Most Popular Handmade Necklace Styles

Of course, since I specialize in natural stone jewelry, most of this advice is most applicable to the natural stone jewelry in your collection, but some of it can apply to any piece in your collection.

Ready to get started?

Natural Stone Solitaire Necklaces

Solitaire necklaces are always classic and work with any outfit. But natural stone solitaires are a little different from your typical solitaire necklace. They’re just as beautiful, but with more subtlety than a typical solitaire.

These stones can work on long or short necklace chains, as well as with outfits ranging from your most casual look, to professional office attire, or even a night on the town or formal charity dinner.

If you’re looking for a versatile, fashionable, and elegant necklace, Solitaire necklaces are one of the best options.

Multi-Stone Necklaces

These days statement necklaces are incredibly trendy. Bigger necklaces that draw more attention can elevate any look with an appearance of class and sophistication that other necklaces can’t easily provide.

Natural stone necklaces are rarely turned into statement necklaces, but a multi stone design can serve almost the same purpose. Multi-stone necklaces are eye catching, but a little more elegant and understated that most statement necklaces.

That makes them perfect for high-performance work places, anyone working in a legal office or C-suite, but also great for formal occasions and anytime you want to draw a little more attention without seeming like that’s what you’re doing.

Plus, with natural stone jewelry, multiple stones gives you more of an opportunity to show off the patterns and best colors and features of each stone choice.

The shimmering blue of Kyanite is perfect for this kind of statement necklace.

Need a necklace for the office? This black and silver statement necklace is perfect for even the most business formal offices, yet elegant enough for a night on the town.

Layered Necklaces

Layered necklaces can be both a fashionable design, or a look you create by wearing several matching or similar necklaces together.

The trick to this is that you need to have several necklaces of different lengths, with similar enough designs and pendants to make visual sense together.

There isn’t any one style of necklace that’s perfect for this, instead consider mixing several different styles for a more attractive final combination.

The other thing you need to keep in mind if you want to wear layered necklaces is that no one necklace should draw too much attention to itself or be too flashy. They should all make visual sense together, which means that they can’t be either too flashy or too plain.

Usually a combination of pendants, charms, and plain necklaces looks best.

Of course, if you’re looking for a natural stone necklace that works for the layered necklace look, I have a few options.

Consider this single Larvikite Solitaire, perfect for being the middle necklace in a layered look. Or my Petite Emeralds necklace, which would work well as the shortest necklace OR as a middle necklace.

Natural Stone Pendants

Most necklaces are a combination of a chain and a pendant. Both parts are important, but most people are going to look mostly at the pendant.

You might notice a fine silver or gold chain occasionally, but unless you’re very into jewelry or fashion, necklace chains are mostly there to help put the pendant in the right place without drawing too much attention to themselves.

So, pendants are one of the more important parts of your jewelry collection, whether they’re attached to a specific chain or removable so you can choose the chain you want to include.

Natural stone pendants come in a lot of styles, so it’s worth having a variety in different colors, sizes, and designs so that you’ll always have the right fit for any outfit or occasion.

Lariat Necklaces

Lariat necklaces (also known as Y necklaces) are very fashionable right now, but still a little less common than other styles and designs.

Pendulum lariats in particular are great options for natural stone or birthstone jewelry, and the design is flexible enough to work for a wide variety of outfits or occasions.

Whether you wear the chain tight with a longer tail to dangle or connect the chain closer to the pendant for a more standard necklace look, these necklaces are different, elegant, and sophisticated.

Have a busy day planned? Simply change the length of the necklace throughout the day to change your look between events or locations without losing a beat.

Bar Necklaces

Bar necklaces are getting more and more popular, both worn over clothing and to show off wider necklines or to contract deeper necklines.

That makes these necklaces versatile, the formality of the necklace is less about the design of the necklace itself and more about what top or dress you pair it with. Choose the right pairing, and you’re ready for anything!

Bonus: Interchangeable Necklaces

Looking to build a little more versatility into your wardrobe but don’t want dozens of chains laying around or getting tangled in your jewelry box?

You aren’t alone!

My interchangeable natural stone necklaces are designed to easily hook on to the chain so you can trade them out quickly and painlessly. The more interchangeable pendants and bars you have, the more necklaces you own. All without having to get new chains every time!

If you’re tired of untangling chains, potentially breaking them in the process, my interchangeable necklaces are made for you.