Happy Denver Pride!

Happy Denver Pride!
Published: June 19, 2023, Updated: October 27, 2023


Pride month is especially important this year, for all the reasons I discussed in my last post and more. But don’t forget that this is a celebration born of protest, and still a celebration.

This weekend is Denver Pride, which is always a large grand celebration. This year, with Colorado becoming a sanctuary state while many of the states around us are passing or on the verge of passing laws restricting the rights of LGBTQ people, and limiting the legal and valid forms of self-expression, Denver Pride seems especially important.

This is a time to recharge, to gather community, to celebrate the things that make the LGBTQ community great. The LGBTQ community has stood up against great challenges before, and always come through.

I hope this turbulent period of LGBTQ history in the United States passes quickly, and, in the meantime, stand ready to offer support where and how I can with Earth Song Jewelry.

I’m still working on an exciting handmade jewelry announcement, so keep an eye out for the near future. I’m very happy with what I’m working on, and can’t wait to have everything set up to show you!

Whether you’re attending the big Pride celebration or celebrating more quietly at home, Happy Pride. Stay safe, stay hydrated, and if you’re out watching the parades or otherwise celebrating, I hope you have a great time!