7 Things You Probably Didn’t Know About Rock Crystal Quartz

Earth Song Jewelry handmade eco-friendly about April's Quartz birthstone
Published: April 08, 2022, Updated: January 24, 2024
April babies are blessed with two birthstones: the dazzling Diamond and the historical Rock Crystal Quartz. 

Rock Crystal Quartz, known as Rock Crystal, has been used in ornamental objects and as a gemstone for thousands of years.  


1. Rock Crystal is the purest variety of Quartz – transparent and colorless. Most people don’t know that other popular gemstones are simply the version of Quartz with colors such as the popular Citrine and Amethyst gemstones.

2. Quartz comes from the Saxon word ‘Querklufterz,’ meaning cross-vein-ore. Crystal is derived from the Greek word ‘Krustallos,’ meaning ‘ice crystal’ since the Ancient Greeks believed that Quartz crystals were pieces of ice. (Source: Mineral Miner’s)

3. Quartz is used in the mechanism of quartz watches (hence the name). Thanks to Quartz’s ability to release regular electronic impulses at precise frequencies (piezoelectricity), Quartz keeps exceptionally accurate time. It is an important component of GPS equipment, radios, telephones, and the mechanism of airbags in our cars. Quartz is also used to make glass, ceramic, cement and much more.

4. Rock Crystal is said to be associated with new beginnings. As a birthstone for the beginning of spring, April’s Rock Crystal Quartz gemstone is seen as a harbinger of all things possible.

5. In ancient times, Rock Crystal was used to carve crystal balls, as people believed they could see into the future by gazing into these balls. In fact, crystal gazing was a popular pastime activity in the Victorian era along with astrology and palmistry.

6. The world’s largest and most flawless Rock Crystal Quartz sphere can be found at the National Museum of Natural History. It is 242,323 carats, weighs 106.75 pounds and measures 12.9 inches.

7. Quartz is made of the two most abundant elements on Earth: oxygen and silicon, making Quartz the Earth’s most common mineral. In fact, Quartz makes up 12% of Earth’s landmass!

What do you think of the Rock Crystal Quartz? Does its radiance move you? Feel free to share your thoughts.

Why not celebrate April birthdays and special occasions with handmade April birthstone jewelry? You may just fall in love with Rock Crystal Quartz.