January Birthstone Jewelry To Make This Season Special

Earth Song Jewelry January Birthstone Garnet Jewelry Gift Blog 1200x600px
Published: January 08, 2023, Updated: January 24, 2024

A lot of people born in January deal with the same birthday woes as people born in December, only, instead of having their birthday mashed together with the holiday season, their birthdays get lost in the holiday hangover.

What is the holiday hangover?

It’s that kind of blah getting back to normal phase so many of us go through after the holiday season as we recover from the stress and bustle of the holidays. That phase where you’re starting to put decorations away, eating a lot of leftovers, and don’t have a lot of energy.

You know. The holiday hangover.

But if you love someone who was born in January, the holiday hangover can actually make it even more important that you get them something special for their birthday. After all, that kind of gesture can go a long way toward showing how much you care, especially if they’re used to their birthday getting mostly skipped.

With that in mind, here’s a selection of some of the best handmade birthstone jewelry to make it easier to find the perfect present for your loved one. Handmade jewelry is a great option for birthday presents, in part because you can really tune in to your loved one’s tastes and style, which can help them feel appreciated and valued.

As always, I’ve selected a range of handmade jewelry that’s suited to different tastes in jewelry, different kinds of relationships, and lifestyles. I’m sure you’ll find something perfect for your loved one here. But if not, feel free to take a look at my Garnet birthstone jewelry collection.

Let’s take a closer look!

Artisan’s Pick January Birthstone Jewelry, Glamorous Garnet!

Here are some of my top pick Garnet birthstone jewelry creations for you to choose from. In all of these pieces, and more generally, all of my jewelry, I was inspired by different parts of nature as well as the stones themselves to come up with each unique design.

I hope you enjoy them as much as I do.

Garnets & Roses Post Earrings

For my first recommendation this month, I had to choose one of my favorite sets of Garnet earrings. These handmade Garnet and Roses post earrings are classic, a little different, and obviously nature inspired, all in one go.

They’re also just beautiful on their own, and work with so many different styles and different settings that they’re some of the most versatile jewelry you can own.

The roses on these earrings look antique, while the luscious red Garnets are the perfect deep red hue to complement the roses. Deep red roses the same color as these Garnets are really stunning, even for roses, so I thought this pairing was the perfect way to celebrate both natural elements: the stones themselves, and the rose they’re paired with.

Artistic Garnet Hearts Earrings

These earrings also feature in my Valentines jewelry recommendations, but that just means they’re a perfect January birthday gift for that special someone in your life.

My Artistic Garnet Hearts Earrings are a slightly different take on a hoop earring, with hammered silver ends that complement both the shape of the earrings themselves, and the Garnet beads decorating them. These earrings are just big enough to make an impression, and roughly the same size as medium hoop earrings.

That sizing is important because it means that these earrings are suitable for a wide range of occasions, and good for anyone who loves Garnets, and especially as January Birthstone jewelry for your romantic partner.

Sparkling Garnets French Hook Earrings

If you’re looking for earrings that really show off the stunning colors Garnets come in, look no further. These earrings are made with richly colored stones cut to show off their beautiful hues and the way light can play in and out of Garnets.

I don’t call just any stone sparkling after all.

My Sparkling Garnets Earrings are classic dangling earrings, with a simple yet elegant design that really lets the Garnets do all the talking.

These earrings are the perfect January birthstone jewelry gift for people who really love Garnets, or who like adding just a pop of color and sparkle to their outfits. Suitable for work, every day, and formal wear, these earrings aren’t just beautiful, they’re also versatile.

Garnet Loops French Hook Earrings

Hoops lovers rejoice! Here is yet another take on classic hoop earrings, this one a little more free hanging than typical hoops. That means that the hoops will actually have more movement when you wear them, giving them a little more life and drawing a little more attention to them, and your face.

This design is simple, but elegant, and works with a wide range of styles. They’re a little more on the playful side, but my Garnet Loops work just as well at formal occasions or earring-safe workplaces.

One of the things I love about these earrings is how the different size stones show slightly different colors, making it that much easier to appreciate nature’s variety and the many beautiful reds Garnets come in.

Sparkling Garnets Sterling Silver Necklace

If you’ve taken a look at my Garnet collection you might have noticed that most of my handmade Garnet jewelry are earrings. And it’s true that many of the shapes and patterns in nature that inspire me work best in earrings. But, every once in a while, I feel the need to make a necklace that shines just as much as my earrings do.

My Sparkling Garnets Necklace was originally designed as part of a Sparkling Garnets matched set, but I think it’s more than beautiful enough on its own.

In fact, the reason that this necklace is on this list is because I think it could work with almost any of the earrings I’ve already talked about to make a matched set.

After all, the only thing better than getting jewelry on your birthday is getting a matched set!